business people

Focus on employee retention has reached an all time high. A key component of employee retention is ensuring team leaders, supervisors and managers have the skills necessary to lead and manage their employees. A February 2022 Society of Human Resources (SHRM) survey found that 55% of workers said they need more training to perform their job more effectively, and 38% want training that is more relevant to their current role.

Many businesses promote from within. This common practice often results in team leaders, supervisors, and managers not having the leadership and management skills needed for their new role. Employees are often promoted due to being great at their job but they’re not prepared with the needed management/leadership skills for the next step up the career ladder. 

Wiley Inc.’s Closing the Skills Gap 2023 report stated that 69% of HR professionals believe their organization has a skills gap. That’s up from 55% in 2021. If your business/organization has a leadership skills gap, EHOVE can help close it through the Business Leadership Development Series:  Management Essentials program.

“By partnering with local businesses, EHOVE plays a critical role in developing a qualified workforce,” said Business Partnership Coordinator Annette McIver.  “The Business Leadership Development Series has been successful in helping a variety of industries including manufacturing, healthcare, food service and entertainment.”

The series is comprised of eight sessions that help participants cultivate their leadership skills. It has been strategically developed to empower individuals by providing hands-on, thought-provoking and interactive professional development resources to ensure success in their roles as managers and leaders. 

  1. Introduction to Leadership Development
  2. Communication and Emotional Intelligence
  3. Team Building
  4. Project Management
  5. Problem Solving & Decision Making
  6. Time Management
  7. Conflict Resolution
  8. Business Ethics & Etiquette

See each session's details.  The content areas may be customized to meet your organization's professional development needs. 

Questions? Contact Business Partnership Coordinator Annette McIver at (419) 499-4663 x341 or